Getting Parts

Normally there is no problem in getting parts for E46 M3 – however there are the price aspect, the quality aspect and the time aspect. Then, of course, there is the question of new or used parts.

Getting parts will normally be influenced by where you live. Technically you can source parts from anywhere on the globe, but there may be tax, vat and customs problems – and time, naturally.

The following will be arranged by region and/or country.

Please mail your suggestions. Use the contact form.

  • Europe
  • Sources by internet
      This company sells original BMW parts. It's located in Vilnius, Lithuania, but don't worry: They are serious people and their service is fine. Naturally delivery takes some time, but quality is fine and prices are pretty good. Invoice may be in Lithuanian, but parts numbers are international. Enter your VIN and you get your relevant spare part catalogue. 

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  • USA
  • Sources by internet

      This company sells original BMW parts. It is located somewhere in the USA - I don't know where. It looks rather similar to with the same structure in the parts catalogue - except there are photos of some of the parts AND, more important, the lists state how many of each item are needed.
      Personally I have not purchased from the company due to distance and tax issues, so I can not share any personal valuation. Perhaps someone else can?

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